Self Host Guide
Step 1: Forking + Account
Navigate to the github repo, It can be found below
Here!Next, login or create a github account (You can do it at school, and it's free!)
Then, click the fork button

Ensure that the owner is set to the correct account.
Click Create Fork.
Step 2: Publishing Pages
Navigate to your newly-made repository.
Click the settings tab
Navigate to the pages section.

In this page, under "Source", click on it, and select "Github Actions"

Step 3: Deploying
Navigate to the Actions tab
Click "Deploy static content to Pages".

Then, click the "Run Workflow" dropdown, and click the blue "Run Workflow" button.

Step 4: Testing Content
Once the workflow has completed (This will likely take around 30-40min) please navigate to: Please replace "cattn" with your github username.
If you see the test page, then congrats! If not, then please try retrying the steps before, or contact us.
Step 5: Using the deployment
Now that you have a working deployment, you can use it to play the games you are hosting!
Navigate to the settings page on this site, and scroll to "Set Self Deployment"
Simply find or type the below link Please replace "cattn" with your username
Put the link in the textbox, then turn the toggle to "ON" afterwords.